Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him singing with joy.
Psalm 100 1-2 NLT
Almighty God, we praise you for the wonders and majesty of this world. We praise you for the beauty, the exquisite detail and the perfect balance in all of creation; from the highest mountain to the deepest ocean, from the most delicate flower to the mighty oak, from the fluttering sparrow to the soaring eagle, from the squeak of a field mouse to the roar of a lion, from the rising to the setting sun. All creation praises you.
Almighty God we praise you that we can see your good, loving, faithful and gracious character in our world. Thank you that in nature we may find joy, relaxation and peace. Thank you that we may feel closer to you, our Maker, who knows, loves and cares for each one of us. Draw us nearer to you through Jesus and help us to value and care for our world and each other with love, joy and praise. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth