Prayer before serving at the Colombo Methodist City Mission soup kitchen
Image: Anne Baldwin
God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 NIV
Message from Anne Baldwin
Mission Partner of the Methodist Church in Britain 2017-2020
I am unsure if you are aware of the desperate situation in Sri Lanka. There is little in the media as they focus on affairs nearer home.
The general situation has been worsening for weeks. Due to poor financial management by various governments over years and the lack of tourists since Covid the country is bankrupt and unable to pay its debts.
Shortages had begun while I was there earlier in the year, but now they are extreme with lack of food, fuel and medicines.
There has been unrest and now a call for a week long Hartal ( a general strike) from yesterday (20 April 2020).
We can give thanks that the churches are providing help to the most needy where they can.
Messages on social media are around tense situations in towns, calls for children to be brought home from schools, curfews etc.
The fourth year students at the Theological College of Lanka, who have battled with Covid restrictions for two years are now nearing their final exams next month.
May I ask you to pray for the situation, everyone is affected by it.
Prayer for Sri Lanka by Geraldine Mattack
What is unfolding in Sri Lanka reminds me of the need to always discern the truth.
I pray that the truth of the situation be told by the media.
I pray for our world torn apart by conflict and distressing news.
I pray that men and women of faith would rise up with a gentle but bold voice of truth in times of chaos.
I pray to Jesus to speak through the students to give people Hope in these distressing times.
I pray for the people of Sri Lanka as they have their Hartal for aid to come to them.
by Geraldine Mattack