John 14:27 NIV
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”.
Gracious God, as we come together this week to remember those who have died in past wars, we pray for those who grieve the loss of loved ones. May they know the assurance of Your presence with them.
We pray and give thanks for all our armed forces, serving here or overseas. We pray for their protection and also for the wellbeing of their families.
We pray for those who live with the emotional and physical scars of combat, those for whom daily living continues to be a struggle. Give to them strength, courage, and healing.
We give thanks for the Royal British Legion who will mark 100 years of service this year. So too, we pray for ‘Help for Heroes’ and all charities that work to bring comfort to all those affected by war and conflict.
We pray for all those living in countries where war and conflict, fear and violence is still destroying lives and communities. May the power of Your Holy Spirit bring peace in our world, across all nations.
Finally, we pray for all peacemakers, those who negotiate, those who speak out at great cost to themselves and their families. God of love and peace, bring unity, bring hope, and bring peace into our world this remembrance week. In the name of Jesus, our Prince of Peace we pray, Amen.