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Ephesians 5:20
‘Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’.
Gracious God, as we approach the end of the week, we bring our prayers before You. As we take a moment of quiet, we reflect upon and thank You for Your unfailing presence with us. For the times you have run alongside us, we give thanks. For the times You have taken each slow step with us, we give thanks. For the times You have danced in joy with us, we give thanks, and for the times you have carried us and picked us up when we have struggled, we give thanks. Lord God, we know that You are a God who is with us, who is there waiting to support and sustain us. At all times, whatever the situation, help us to continue to be assured of Your presence and place our trust in You. This weekend we ask for Your blessing upon anyone we are concerned about at this time, family, friends, neighbours, the folks we see in the news who we may never meet yet are in need our Your presence and Your love in their lives. May the power of Your Holy Spirit work through us to transmit love and peace in our world. We bring all our prayers before You in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen.