Colossians 4:2 (Good News Translation)
‘Be persistent in prayer, and keep alert as you pray, giving thanks to God’.
Gracious God, as a new week begins we will have our own concerns, our own challenges and our own hopes and dreams for the week ahead. So, we begin by committing each day to You.
On the days when we feel weary and our resolve is low, we pray for the assurance of the presence of Your Holy Spirit to energise and sustain us.
On the days when new opportunities come our way to serve You and the people around us, we pray that our hearts will be filled with respect and compassion for others.
On the occasions when decisions need to be made concerning the well-being of other people, we pray that justice, equality and empathy will govern any decisions made.
When we find ourselves in difficult situations in our relationships with others, we pray that our conversations will be rooted in honesty, forgiveness and humility.
Lord God, we offer this week into Your hands and ask that you use us, enable, equip and empower us to witness to Your love in our world. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.