Matthew 25:40 (NIV)
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Gracious God, as each Thursday we have given thanks for all those who care for the health of our nation, today we pray especially for all those involved in the Covid 19 vaccination programme. We give thanks for the expertise and knowledge of scientists, still working on vaccines, adapting them to make sure we have the best possible protection. We give thanks for all lab technicians gathering data and rmanaging equipment. We give thanks for those arranging appointments and processing forms as folks arrive for a vaccine, and for the marshals who direct our pathways to ensure vaccinations centre are safe. We give thanks for all those who deliver the vaccines and deal with logistical issues. And so too, we give thanks for the healthcare professionals who administer the jabs. Lord God, we appreciate that this is a huge team effort and a combination of paid workers and volunteers, so, for everyone involved, we are truly thankful.
This morning Lord, we remember too those poorer countries who are struggling to roll out vaccination programmes. We pray that richer continues will continue to do whatever they can to ensure that the peoples of all nations, in our world, receive the protection they need to fight the spread of the virus. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.