God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:5
Love is the answer
To our ups and downs
Love brings a smile
It replaces a frown
Love is the antidote
To anxiety and stress
Love thinks and acts
In the way that is best
Love brings healing
Mercy and grace
Hope and peace
Through our Saviour, Jesus
Loving God, you love us totally, utterly and completely. Dear Lord, help this wonderful truth to sink into our hearts and minds. We are loved by You. There is nothing more powerful than your love in Jesus. Loving God, transform lives with your love by the power of your Spirit.
We pray for your blessings on anyone in need in of the strength, peace and reassurance of your boundless love. Loving God, we come to you with open hands and hearts, may we be channels of your gracious love, for Jesus sake. Thank you for love. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth