Then God said ” Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 
Gen 1:1 NIVUK

God of creation and provision, we thank You for creating a beautiful and fruitful world for us to care for and enjoy.  Thank you for the beauty of the harvest moon, the ripe and bountiful berries, fields harvested or being sown for winter crops, birdsong filling the air, glistening spiders’ webs and the ever changing colours of the new season.

Gracious God, out of love, and through Jesus, You created each and every one of us and the world we live in.  Help us to love, care and provide for each other and our planet as we ought.  As we go about our day, may we notice and praise You for the wonder and beauty of your creation. Amen

Ruth Rushworth