I will say to the Lord “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Ps 91:2 ESV

Jesus is Lord
Jesus is King;
Our strength
Our rock
Our dwelling place
Jesus, your praises we sing.

Jesus is steadfast
Jesus is sure;
Our truth
Our way
Our fulness of life
Jesus, your name we adore.

Jesus is love
Jesus is meek;
Our source
Our spring
Our ever-present help
Jesus, your mercy we seek.

Jesus is listening
Jesus is here;
Our friend
Our peace
Our burden-bearer
Jesus, your love calms our fear.

Gracious God, we take a moment to thank you for Jesus. Whatever is on our minds, our concerns for the day, our work, home, school, health, family, friends, community or our world, we lay them at your feet. We thank you that we can draw on your love, your strength and your guidance in any situation. We take a moment to praise you, to thank you and to think about what you mean to us in our life.

Gracious God, thank you that the time, however long or short, we spend with you is never wasted.  Each moment with you is precious. We thank you for your words of truth and life. Draw us close as we go about our day, in the knowledge and assurance of your eternal love for us, shown in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Ruth Rushworth