A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son …listen to Him.”
Luke 9:35 NIV

Jesus removed the barrier,
Threw opened the door,
Heaven and earth,
Are separate no more.

He flooded the world,
With love and light,
The colours of heaven,
Shining bright.

A love of justice,
Of peace of truth,
Acceptance, forgiveness,
Under one roof.

United in Jesus,
Lord, may we share,
His love, his life,
His light and his care.

God of love and light, of mountains and valleys, of sunshine, clouds and rain, we praise You for Jesus, your Son. Thank you that He came to restore our broken relationship with You, and to unite us with You under the roof of your eternal love.

Loving God, as we reflect, we thank you that knowing Jesus makes a difference in our every day lives.  May we embrace his light and love and rest secure in him.

As we prepare for Easter, may your Spirit help us to hear his voice and share his love in our families, neighbourhoods and communities, that all may be united and cared for in your loving family.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Ruth Rushworth