“..I am making everything new..”
Rev 21:5 NIV
Tiny snowdrops in the ground,
Peeping through a frozen mound,
Pushing upwards, without a sound.
Growing towards the sun and light,
Standing straight, strong and bright,
Resplendent in colour, gleaming white.
Bringing a smile,
A promise of hope,
New life, a new season,
Fresh and fragrant growth.
God of the seasons and new beginnings, we praise You for the beauty and order of creation, and the joy of seeing these simple, tiny flowers appear in gardens, parks and hedgerows. Thank you for this sign of new life and the reminder, that, although we cannot see it yet, we know that spring is surely on the way.
God of life and love, thank you for all who work quietly, unnoticed, behind the scenes, pushing onwards and upwards to share your love. Thank you that the smallest acts of kindness and the most simple of prayers are noticed by You and make a difference to the growth of garden of your kingdom here on earth.
God of grace and compassion, grant us new beginnings and new seasons in our lives when we need them. We thank you that every day is a fresh start and we can turn to Jesus, our saviour and friend, in all things. Help us, dear Lord, to follow the leading of your Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. Amen
Ruth Rushworth