“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”
Jer 1:5 NIV
Be still,
Come into my care.
I know your joys,
Your sorrows, your despair.
Trust me,
in times of your greatest need,
When you know not where to turn,
Or who to believe.
Follow me,
With all your heart.
I will lead you safely,
When the days are dark.
Lean on me,
With all your strength,
My precious child,
I am your defence.
Look to me,
Whatever you face.
I am your strength,
Your peace, your inner grace.
Loving God, may we be still, quieten our minds and open our hearts before You. You, loving God, formed our very being, know our every move and long for us to come to your open arms and loving embrace. We come to You now in prayer…..
Loving God, may we be still, trust, follow, lean on and look to your love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Look to the Lord and his strength. Seek his face always. Ps 105:4 NIV
Ruth Rushworth