‘Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord’.
Romans 8:39 NIV
Gracious God, you are with us,
By night and by day,
Through sunshine and rain,
In all our highs and lows,
At every twist and turn.
You’ve walked the way before us,
You know the road ahead,
Each stone, hill and valley,
The smooth or rocky river bed.
We lace up our boots,
And step out with you,
Knowing we will not fall,
You love is kind,
Your mercy great,
We praise you Lord of all!
Loving God, we thank you that nothing can separate us from your love in Jesus. In times of difficulty, trial or sadness, help us to hold on to this truth. You are our rock and our strength.*
As we step out and journey through this day, may we keep our gaze fixed on Jesus. Help us to see situations through his eyes and may we show your loving-kindness to our companions and all whose paths we cross along the way. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth