Trust in the Lord with all your heart….

Proverbs 3:5 NIV

The journey is planned,
The way prepared,
Nothing overlooked,
Every stone unturned.

Our faithful guide
Knows the route,
Packs all we need,
To keep us afoot.

With a lightness of heart
We set out for the day,
Taking God’s love
Every step of the way.

Loving God, we take a few moments to quieten our minds, still our bodies and become aware of our breathing, as we come to spend time with You….

As we look at the photo, we picture ourselves, walking along the pathway, taking in and enjoy the colours, the sights, the sounds and the smells of springtime.

We picture Jesus, walking with us, bringing his presence, his peace, his provision and his guiding hand.  Maybe we walk together in companionable silence, maybe he listens to us, or we listen to him? What would we talk about? What would we ask of Him…..?

Loving God, you know our heart. We do not know what today holds, but we trust it to You.  Keep us on a straight path, as we step out with You.  May we have time to notice and appreciate what is around us, to show love to those we meet and trust in your loving presence and guiding hand this day.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth