Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
Matt: 18:20 NKJV
Gracious God, as we look at the photo and consider the verse, we offer you the prayers of our heart….
Clustered together,
Nestled close,
Protected, secure,
A radiant host.
Vibrant colours,
Responding to the light,
Growing upwards,
Shining bright.
Petals open,
Life displayed,
Vulnerable, yet strong,
In beauty arrayed.
Gracious God, we praise you. We thank you for your goodness and love, displayed in the beauty of nature around us. We thank you for family and friends. We thank you for all those people in our lives who have prayed, encouraged or supported us in our journey through life. We thank you for words of wisdom, fun and laughter, shared tears, and the gentle skill of simply listening. Thank you that when we come together in your name, you are right there with us. We pray for anyone, known or unknown to us, who is in need of a friend today, that someone might draw alongside them.
As we come together, may we be part of an ever-growing, caring and sharing community of followers of Jesus. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth