Emmanuel Methodist United Reformed Church

Our Mission Statement

Together as a Church Family, we are striving to love God and all peoples. Our vision is to see lives, relationships and communities transformed by the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Our Mission Statement

Together as a Church Family, we are striving to love God and all peoples. Our vision is to see lives, relationships and communities transformed by the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Emmanuel Church in Ormskirk

Emmanuel Church in Ormskirk is a community where everyone is welcome, valued and included. We are drawn together by our love of God and faith in Jesus Christ.

Sunday  Worship

We are committed to allowing  as many people as possible to access Sunday Morning Worship and we are, wherever possible, providing a Live Stream of our services, and recordings on our Worship page.

Please see our Prayer and Reflection links where we hope you will find an assurance and a sense of the peace that Christ offers to us. On our Activities page, under Church Groups, you will find details of our meeting groups.

Community Hub at Emmanuel Church

Open every Thursday through the year 10.30 am to 1.30pm

Monthly on Saturdays with live music. Usually the last Saturday of the month.

We look forward to welcoming you for tea or coffee!

Emmanuel Church in Ormskirk is a community where everyone is welcome, valued and included. We are drawn together by our love of God and faith in Jesus Christ.

Sunday  Worship

We are committed to allowing  as many people as possible to access Sunday Morning Worship and we are, wherever possible, providing a Live Stream of our services, and recordings on our Worship page.

Please see our Prayer and Reflection links where we hope you will find an assurance and a sense of the peace that Christ offers to us. On our Activities page, under Church Groups, you will find details of our meeting groups.

Community Hub at Emmanuel Church

Open every Thursday through the year 10.30 am to 1.30pm

Monthly on Saturdays with live music. Usually the last Saturday of the month.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Prayer Breakfasts

We would like to invite everyone to join us at our prayer breakfasts.
A continental breakfast will be provided before we have a time of prayer
together. These will take place monthly, from 10.00am, prior to our
Sunday services on September 8th, October 20th, November 17th and
December 8th. Everyone is welcome!
To join the Emmanuel Prayers email group, simply send an email
to [email protected]. The subject and content of
the email don’t matter. You will receive an email thanking you for your
interest. Click on Reply and hit Send and that will complete your
enrolment. If you have any problems, please contact Peter Harrison
(07843 934725, [email protected]).

Discipleship Explored – ‘What’s the best love you’ve ever known?’

Part of being a Church community is having the opportunity to support,
encourage and care for one another as we journey with Christ. And so we
would like to invite you all to these hourly sessions to simply talk about
what it means to follow Jesus. During these very informal sessions in the
worship area, there will be lots of opportunity for exploring scripture,
talking, praying, drinking coffee and eating cake, so please come along.
The sessions will take place fortnightly on Tuesdays evenings at 7.00pm
and Thursday afternoons at 1.45pm.
The dates are Tuesday September 10th, September 24th, October 8th,
October 22nd, November 5th, November 19th, December 3rd.
Thursday September 12th, September 26th, October 10th, October 24th,
November 7th, November 21st, December 5th.
The sessions are stand alone and you do not need to attend them all. And
Thursday’s session is a repeat of Tuesdays so you can always mix and
This event is for those at the start of the Christian Journey, those who
have been travelling for many years, and everyone in-between! So it
would be awesome if as many of us as possible were able to join and
share in these sessions. Thank you, Rev Sue



Children & Youth


Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals
